Author: Mark Ferrulo

Floridians threatened with Trumpcare again

Republicans in the US Senate have given their health care plan a different name “Graham-Cassidy”, but it’s almost entirely the same old, disastrous, morally reprehensible health care bill that was defeated by one vote in July. It’s on a fast track for a vote and your voice is needed right now.

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Annette Taddeo for State Senate

Miami-Dade’s Senate District 40 Special Election on September 26th is an opportunity to turn the tide toward a more progressive Florida, and that means electing Annette Taddeo.

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Irma, Florida, and climate change

It’s been a tough week for Florida. Hurricane Irma has left devastation and tragedy in her wake from the Keys to Naples, Miami to Tampa Bay, Orlando to Jacksonville, and so many other communities.

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The next health care battle: Florida’s kids

You’d think funding health coverage for millions of children would be at the top of the list for our elected representatives. Think againIf President Trump gets his way in Congress, children’s’ health care is on the chopping block.

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Rick Kriseman For St. Pete Mayor

I’m writing today, not only as the director of Progress Florida, but as someone raised and living in St. Petersburg with a strong love for the Sunshine City. Nothing less than the future of our community is at stake in the upcoming mayoral election.

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Sen. Nelson deserves our thanks

We get it: it’s easy to be cynical about politics and government these days. That’s why when one of our elected officials is fighting the good fight, often thanklessly, we want to lift that person up. 

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Keep Florida’s courts independent

Florida’s judicial system was once a model for the nation. Unfortunately, that’s no longer the case. That’s why Progress Florida, on behalf of the Florida Access to Justice Project, has officially submitted a series of proposed revisions to Florida’s Constitution.

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A sucker punch to Florida’s public schools

Instead of being given a helping hand, Florida’s public schools are being dealt a big sucker punch. HB 7069, if signed by Gov. Scott, would devastate public schools, shortchange teachers, and finance a huge giveaway to corporate charter school chains.

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Where’s Marco?

Millions of Florida children, seniors, and families have health care today through the Affordable Care Act or Medicaid. The Republican health care plan has put their future in doubt.

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