Author: Mark Ferrulo

Veto this “piece of junk”

It cuts funding for public schools, devastates health care, and ignores the will of the voters on the environment. It’s Florida’s proposed state budget, it’s an absolute disgrace, and Gov. Scott needs to veto it.

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Oil rigs on Florida’s coast?

Sign the petition to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke today and say you oppose oil drilling in the South Atlantic Planning Region, which includes large swaths of Florida. We’ll submit these petitions to the Interior Department during their official public comment period on this issue.

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Florida fracking ban: uncertain

The bill to ban fracking statewide is gaining momentum in the Florida Senate, but we all need to help if we’re going to pass it. It’s final committee before going to the floor will be the Senate Appropriations Committee and there the fate of the fracking ban is uncertain.

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Nothing’s safe when this legislature’s in session

It’s all on the chopping block: local protections for our land and water, local rules against wage theft, local ordinances protecting LGBT rights, and more. Take action against the legislature’s massive power grab and urge your state legislators to vote no on HB 17.

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They’re trying to intimidate Florida doctors

HB 19 is yet another lie waiting to be turned into yet another unnecessary law undermining women’s reproductive rights. HB 19 singles out doctors who perform abortions, subverting existing medical malpractice law, and interfering in personal medical decisions. It needs to be stopped.

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Florida marches

Over the weekend, tens of thousands of women and allies for women’s rights marched in cities and towns throughout our state, joining millions of people throughout our country and around the world.

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They’re supposed to be “the people’s lawyer”

The next Attorney General of the United States could be a right wing extremist with a deplorable record on the rights and freedoms we as Americans cherish. Call Sens. Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio today and tell them to vote against Sen. Sessions’ nomination for attorney general.

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Let’s ban fracking for good

Year after year, everyday Floridians have stood up, fought back, and defeated efforts to open our state to the dirty and dangerous practice of fracking. Next year may be our best opportunity yet to advance a statewide fracking ban and we need your voice right now to keep this momentum going.

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Turning lies into laws

For too long, Florida policymakers have enacted obstacle after obstacle to prevent women from exercising their reproductive rights. Whether it’s arbitrarily contrived waiting periods, burdensome requirements on abortion clinics, patients and their doctors, or efforts to defund organizations that provide abortion care, enough is enough.

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