Author: Mark Ferrulo

Floridians didn’t vote for pipes and pumps

When Florida voters overwhelmingly passed the Water and Land Conservation Amendment 1, they sent a loud and clear message to policy-makers – preserve and protect what remains of Florida’s amazing waterways and precious open spaces.

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Jail instead of health care?

Florida is facing a real crisis in mental health care. Send a letter to House Speaker Crisafulli today and urge him to make mental health funding a priority this legislative session by closing the coverage gap.

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For 600,000 Floridians, this is personal

As I write this, nearly 600,000 hardworking Floridians are stuck in what’s called the “coverage gap.” These are friends and neighbors who don’t make enough money to qualify for subsidized health insurance through the marketplace, and make too much money to qualify for Medicaid.

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Florida black bear slaughter – not again.

Gov. Rick Scott’s Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) just completed their cruel and widely condemned Florida black bear hunt, and it was an unmitigated disaster. Unbelievably, despite this horrific debacle, the FWC is already planning the next black bear bloodbath.

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Ban fracking bans?

Take action and tell the Florida Legislature to reject HB 191 and SB 318. Communities should be able to protect their land and water from fracking.

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New oil drilling…in the Everglades?

A new oil drilling operation has been proposed in the eastern Everglades, and we need your help to stop it. Oil drilling threatens not only Everglades restoration, but also imperiled wildlife and south Florida’s drinking water.

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