Corruption run amok?
This past session, the Florida Legislature passed a truly awful anti-ethics and pro-corruption bill and we’re calling on Gov. Ron DeSantis to veto it.

Tell Gov. DeSantis: veto this dirty, dangerous bill
In the waning days of the recently concluded legislative session, the GOP-led Florida Legislature passed a dirty and dangerous energy bill (HB 1645) that will make it harder to fight climate change and have disastrous consequences for Florida’s health, environment, and economy.

DeSantis Watch Statement on Ron’s Failed Session
TALLAHASSEE — Today, the Florida Legislature adjourned sine die on the 2024 legislative session.

Stop this dirty, dangerous energy bill
Florida may be ground zero for the most disastrous impacts of climate change and a warming planet, but you wouldn’t know it based on new laws pushed by the leadership of the Florida Legislature.

DeSantis Watch Statement on Ron Wasting Taxpayer Dollars in South Carolina
Today, Florida (emphasis ours) Governor Ron DeSantis will be holding a taxpayer funded press conference in South Carolina to reportedly discuss an issue unrelated to the number one problem facing his constituents – an affordability crisis devastating families and communities across the state he was elected to govern.

Make your vote count
Your vote is your voice, and in the 2024 election your vote is needed at a critical moment for the future of Florida and our country.

Banned Book “The Princess Diaries”
The award winning book “The Princess Diaries” inspired the beloved early 2000’s movie featuring Julie Andrews & Anne Hathaway. Yet in Escambia County Florida, it’s one of 1,600 recently banned books.

Progress Florida & Florida Watch Statements on the State of the State Address
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis briefly returned to the state he was elected to serve to deliver his State of the State address to kick off Florida’s 2024 legislative session.

The Pine Rocklands Have Been Saved!
A big win for the environment! Miami-Dade County Commissioners struck down the dangerous Miami Wilds project that would build a water park in the critically endangered pine rocklands. This plan would have threatened the lives and habitat of hundreds of at-risk species.