Author: Mark Ferrulo

Red alert oil drilling threat

We’re monitoring some very disturbing developments in Washington that could lead to offshore oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico directly off the Florida Keys and our beaches.
This threat is very real and we need your help to stop it.

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Marco Rubio said what?

“There is still a lot of thinking on the right that if big corporations are happy, they’re going to take the money they’re saving and reinvest it in American workers. In fact they bought back shares, a few gave out bonuses; there’s no evidence whatsoever that the money’s been massively poured back into the American worker.” -Sen. Rubio, April 26, 2018

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Exciting news if you care about abortion rights

Rick Scott and his allies in the legislature are escalating their attacks on abortion rights and reproductive freedom. In response, we’re ramping up our efforts to not only protect – but expand – these rights and freedoms for all Floridians.

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A major attack on Florida’s working families

Instead of addressing critical economic challenges facing hardworking Floridians, some Florida legislators are trying to make things even harder for teachers, nurses, bus drivers, and other public employees that form the backbone of our communities.

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For the Florida we love

As we saw throughout this year, when progressives organize, mobilize, and fight back, we stand a good chance at winning even against seemingly impossible odds. In 2018, with your help, here are just some of the things Progress Florida will be doing.

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It’s now or never in Florida

Not in recent memory has Florida faced more challenges (or opportunities) than it does right now. Make a contribution today as part of #GivingTuesday and fuel the fight to win big progressive victories in 2018.

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Today, vote Kriseman for St. Pete Mayor!

It’s no stretch to say the future of St. Pete hinges on today’s Mayoral Election. With polls showing a razor-thin margin every vote is critical, so if you haven’t already, I’m urging you to join me by casting your ballot today in support of Mayor Rick Kriseman.

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