The people have spoken: end the abortion ban

The fight for abortion access in Florida did not end on Election Day, it became more urgent.

For the last 10 months, Floridians have been living under a law that bans abortion before many people even realize they’re pregnant. Patients and families have made a decision for themselves, their health, and futures to access an abortion, only to be told that here in Florida, politicians took that right away. 

That’s why we need your urgent support of House Bill 1139/Senate Bill 870: a bill to end Florida’s near-total abortion ban. Florida’s ban is dangerous, unnecessary, and unpopular with voters who, in November of last year, supported overturning the ban with 57% of the vote. Although Amendment 4 fell just short of the 60% necessary for passage, we must continue fighting for our freedoms. As supporters of abortion access, we are the majority, and we aren’t going anywhere. 

Florida’s current abortion law forces politics into our personal, private lives. It criminalizes doctors and stops them from providing safe, appropriate medical care. HB 1139/SB 870 puts these decisions back in the hands of patients where they belong, not with politicians. 

We know the reality: the leaders of the Republican supermajority have expressed an unwillingness to repeal the abortion ban but we have wide-reaching support among the people they are elected to serve. Help us send the message that Floridians are overwhelmingly in support of ending this abortion ban and as our representatives, they should be too.

Since the implementation of the near-total ban, there has been a 28% decrease in abortions in our state. Even in the most extreme medical emergencies, patients are facing delays and denials of life-saving care. Everyone deserves the right to make their own healthcare decisions, especially in personal and complex situations. 

We must repeal the near-total abortion ban and support reproductive freedom for Floridians.