Take Action: Protect Direct Democracy and Citizen-led Amendments

Gov. Ron DeSantis and his allies in the Florida Legislature are pursuing a massive power grab at the expense of everyday Floridians.

Thanks to citizen-led amendments to the state Constitution, Florida voters have raised the minimum wage, enacted term limits for politicians, protected our beaches from oil drilling, legalized medical marijuana, established a taxpayer bill of rights, created universal voluntary pre-kindergarten for children, and passed many other reforms when politicians in Tallahassee have refused to act.

But DeSantis is pushing for legislation designed to make it nearly impossible for citizens to get future amendments on the ballot. Among a long list of new barriers to qualifying citizen-led amendments, the Governor’s proposal would eliminate petition collection by paid petition circulators and grassroots volunteers for citizens’ initiatives and allow appointees of the Governor to insert partisan language on voters’ ballots to confuse voters and undermine a proposed citizen-led amendment. 

DeSantis’ attack on the citizen-led amendment process is a cynical ploy to rig the system in favor of wealthy special interests. It is no coincidence that constitutional amendments placed on the ballot by politicians – and not we, the people – are untouched by these proposed changes.

Urge your state legislators to oppose this attack on democracy by voting against this legislation.