We get it: it’s easy to be cynical about politics and government these days. That’s why when one of our elected officials is fighting the good fight, often thanklessly, we want to lift that person up.
We get it: it’s easy to be cynical about politics and government these days. Every time you turn around there’s a new scandal erupting from the Trump Administration or a terrible bill working its way through Congress or the Florida Legislature. It can be exhausting.
That’s why when one of our elected officials is fighting the good fight, often thanklessly, we want to lift that person up. Today we’re talking about Sen. Bill Nelson.
Sen. Nelson isn’t constantly looking for the limelight and often works behind the scenes to get things done. That hasn’t diminished his dedication to Florida or his effectiveness as a legislator. Since President Trump took office, Sen. Nelson:
- Has steadfastly opposed the secretive and destructive efforts by President Trump and Republican leaders to undermine Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act, protecting the health care of millions of Floridians.
- Has continued leading efforts in the U.S. Senate, joining with a bipartisan group of Florida members of Congress, in opposing offshore oil drilling on Florida’s coast. It’s a fight Bill Nelson has been leading for decades.
- Has fought President Trump’s proposed budget, which among other things would drastically cut critical health research at the National Institutes of Health and the clean air and water enforcement efforts of the Environmental Protection Agency.
He’s also stood with victims of the Pulse shooting, introduced legislation to cut student loan rates, called out climate change denial by the Trump and Scott administrations, and fought the dangerous and reckless plan to privatize our nation’s air traffic control system. Sen. Nelson is doing good work, and in a cynical political world seemingly fueled only by anger, frustration, and outrage, he deserves our thanks.
Thank Sen. Nelson for the work he’s doing by sending him a letter today.
Sen. Nelson isn’t perfect, and there may be areas where we disagree, but a perfect politician doesn’t exist. We do know that Sen. Nelson is approaching the challenges Florida and our nation face with a desire to do what’s right, not necessarily what’s politically expedient. That counts for a lot, particularly in the era of Trump.
Thanks for taking a minute today to say “thanks.” We do a lot to hold those who vote against progress accountable. We should also lift up and thank those who champion progress.