In the week that marks the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, Progress Florida launched a new short video that exposes Florida fake clinics, sometimes called crisis pregnancy centers or CPCs.
January 23, 2019
Contact: Amy Weintraub / 304-541-9027 /
ST. PETERSBURG – In the week that marks the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, Progress Florida launched a new short video that exposes Florida fake clinics, sometimes called crisis pregnancy centers or CPCs.
“Numbering nearly 200 in Florida, fake clinics use phony ads to trick pregnant women into making an appointment, promising ‘free ultrasounds’ or ‘pregnancy support’,” said Amy Weintraub, Reproductive Rights Program Director for Progress Florida. “Once inside, people are lied to, shamed, and pressured about their reproductive health decisions, often delaying their procedure or pushing them past the deadline for a legal abortion.”
These fake clinics have received $21 million in taxpayer funding since 2007. In 2017, then Gov. Rick Scott signed into law HB41, a provision requiring permanent, annual, taxpayer funding to support these anti-abortion fake clinics across the state.
The video is viewable on the Floridians for Reproductive Freedom coalition’s website at
Progress Florida is a statewide progressive organization working to win a Florida that works for all Floridians, not just powerful special interests.