With the Florida House poised to debate HB 41 on the floor today, Progress Florida is calling on Florida lawmakers to reject this legislation that would funnel taxpayer dollars to anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centers” that spread misinformation and false information to pregnant women.
January 11, 2018
Damien Filer
damien@progressflorida.org 850-212-1858
TALLAHASSEE – With the Florida House poised to debate HB 41 on the floor today, Progress Florida is calling on Florida lawmakers to reject this legislation that would funnel taxpayer dollars to anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centers” that spread misinformation and false information to pregnant women. This week, the group launched a series of digital ads urging lawmakers to oppose the bill and educating voters about the harm these fake clinics pose to women.
HB 41/SB 444 would allocate public funds exclusively to entities that “promote and support childbirth,” while excluding qualified medical providers who offer the full range of reproductive health services, including birth control and abortion care.
Crisis pregnancy centers are known to pose as legitimate health clinics offering reproductive health services and pregnancy-related information. In reality, they shame and mislead women, often denying them the care they want or need. HB 41/SB 444 would permanently fund these fake clinics that operate with virtually no oversight and harm Florida women.
Examples of the digital ad series can be found below.
Progress Florida Executive Director Mark Ferrulo offered the following statement urging lawmakers to reject HB 41/SB 444:
“Crisis pregnancy centers undermine women’s health through deception, shame, and junk science. By funding these anti-abortion fake clinics, Florida would put a stamp of approval on denying women the ability to make decisions about their own bodies and futures.
“Seven in ten Americans support legal access to abortion. Passing this bill would signal to Floridians that their lawmakers care more about propping up ideologically driven fake clinics than promoting comprehensive reproductive health care.”
Progress Florida is a statewide organization working to build a more progressive Florida.
Learn more at www.ProgressFlorida.org.
Ad Copy: Florida’s Senate Bill 444 would send your tax dollars to fake, anti-abortion clinics that masquerade as “crisis pregnancy centers” and harm Florida women.
Ad Copy: Florida’s Senate Bill 444 will let so-called “crisis pregnancy centers” use YOUR tax dollars to deceive Florida women about abortion.