House Republicans Turn Their Backs On Floridians

“Trumpcare will increase health care costs, reduce quality of care, strip coverage from an estimated 24 million Americans and gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Adding insult to injury, Trumpcare would exempt Members of Congress from the law.”

May 4, 2017

Contact: Damien Filer / 850-212-1858 / 

ST. PETERSBURG – Below is a statement from Progress Florida Executive Director Mark Ferrulo on today’s U.S. House vote to repeal large portions of the Affordable Care Act:

“Florida’s U.S. Representatives who voted to repeal critical patient and consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act and replace it with Trumpcare have ignored condemnation by health professionals and turned their backs on Florida families. In doing so, they’re shamelessly doling out $600 billion in tax cuts for the very wealthy and big insurance and drug companies. 

“Trumpcare will increase health care costs, reduce quality of care, strip coverage from an estimated 24 million Americans and gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Adding insult to injury, Trumpcare would exempt Members of Congress from the law.

“Trumpcare is a disaster in the making and literally a death sentence for some Floridians.”


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