“The nominee to replace Justice Kennedy must be a fair-minded constitutionalist who values equality and justice for all, not just the wealthy and powerful, and understands the impact of the law on all Americans.”
June 27, 2018
Contact: Damien Filer / 850-212-1858 / Damien@ProgressFlorida.org
Statement from Progress Florida Executive Director Mark Ferrulo on behalf of the Florida Why Courts Matter Coalition:
“The stakes for this next nomination are enormous. The progress we’ve made on health care, voting rights, and on rights for women, workers, LGBTQ people and others are literally on the line. The next nominee could determine whether corporations can rewrite the law to pollute the air we breathe and water we drink, endanger worker safety, and deny employees access to health care.
“The GOP has already stolen a SCOTUS seat from President Obama’s highly qualified nominee Merrick Garland, and put in his place a justice who is completely out of step with the mainstream American values of equality, fairness, religious freedom and personal privacy – Neil Gorsuch.
“The nominee to replace Justice Kennedy must be a fair-minded constitutionalist who values equality and justice for all, not just the wealthy and powerful, and understands the impact of the law on all Americans.
“We urge the White House to consult with senators of both parties and put forward a nominee who will uphold rights and freedoms, not turn back the clock.”
For more information visit www.WhyCourtsMatter.org