Best of the Blogs: Not Funny

Progress Florida Education Institute’s Best of the Blogs for the week ending 4-25-14
Best of the Blogs is featured weekly as part of Progress Florida Education Institute’s popular free Daily Clips service.

By Sandspur
SWFWMD Matters
If you don’t think the Florida Legislature is being bought and sold, you’re naïve.
By George Cavros
CleanEnergy Footprints
I live and work in south Florida and have been a clean energy advocate for well over a decade.
By Martha Jackovics
Beach Peanuts
The Florida legislature sunk to a new low today by passing a bill that would shield nursing home investors from lawsuits stemming from abuse and neglect.
By Trish Ponder
Pensito Review
Florida’s public servants couldn’t be blamed for feeling that someone painted targets on their foreheads after Rick Scott (GOP/Tea) took over as governor three years ago.
By Lisa
Ranger Against War
Today is Earth Day, one of those quaint relics from a recent past when we gave lip-service to actually being good stewards to our planet and its inhabitants.