Best of the Blogs: No Longer

Progress Florida Education Center’s Best of the Blogs for the week ending 10-30-15
Best of the Blogs is featured weekly as part of Progress Florida Education Center’s popular free Daily Clips service.

Progress Florida Education Center’s Best of the Blogs for the week ending 10-30-15
Best of the Blogs is featured weekly as part of Progress Florida Education Center’s popular free Daily Clips service.

Scary Stuff Blocking Solar in the Sunshine State
By Susan Glickman
CleanEnergy Footprints
I am constantly amazed at how low Florida’s monopoly utilities are willing to go to protect their right to pollute and keep their captive customers.

Breaking News: Marco Rubio Shows Up For Work, And The Question Remains Why?
By Martha Jackovics
Beach Peanuts
If you blinked, you likely missed him, but Marco Rubio took a break from campaigning, groveling for money, and interviews on FOX yesterday to show up for a vote in Washington. 

The Debate: On Marco Rubio from West Dade
By Gimleteye
Eye On Miami
Jeb Bush failed to register in last night’s debate.

FL high stakes & the resignation of teacher Wendy Bradshaw, Ph.D.
By Kathleeno2014
The Edvocate Blog
Privatizing public education is a cruel and dishonest process.

Florida No Longer Allowed To Lock Mentally Disabled People Up For Decades Without Checking On Them
By Ian Millhiser
Florida law permitted the state to involuntarily commit intellectually disabled people to a mental institution, and then leave them there for years without ever reviewing whether the person they committed still needs to be institutionalized.