Best of the Blogs: McEconomy

Progress Florida Education Institute’s Best of the Blogs for the week ending 1-31-14
Best of the Blogs is featured weekly as part of Progress Florida Education Institute’s popular free Daily Clips service.


By Justin Snyder
The Florida Squeeze
Can you feel it? Maybe you can smell it in the air.
By Sandspur
SWFWMD Matters
One would think Rick Scott has become a chameleon and turned a verdant green over his newfound appreciation for all things environmental. 
By Ayele Hunt
Matter Of Cause
We have a problem in this country with violence. It’s not a secret. We all know about it.
By Joyce Hamilton Henry
Blog Of Rights
Florida holds the dubious distinction of being among the three worst states to permanently disenfranchise individuals with a felony conviction.
By Martha Jackovics
Beach Peanuts
In Florida we’re running out of natural resources as it is, with development unchecked and regulations out the window thanks to “free market” Republicans and a governor who does the bidding of big corporate donors at Floridians’ expense.