Progress Florida Education Center’s Best of the Blogs for the week ending 6-13-14
Best of the Blogs is featured weekly as part of Progress Florida Education Center’s popular free Daily Clips service.
The DREAM’s Alive and Well in Florida
By Maria Rodriguez
Blog Of Rights
Today’s signing of a Florida law allowing young undocumented immigrants and U.S. citizen children of immigrant parents to pay the same tuition rate as every other Florida resident represents a truly remarkable achievement.
Scott using your tax dollars to get re-elected; FCC’s Response to budget signing
By Sandspur
SWFWMD Matters
Rick Scott signed the state’s budget for 2014-15 yesterday including rewards galore for his republican buddies who salted it heavily with election year goodies for the home boys.
Coal Ash Legal Fight Moves to Florida
By Joan Walker
CleanEnergy Footprints
With all the news following the Dan River coal ash disaster this February, it may seem that North Carolina is the only Southeastern state with coal ash woes.
Ellyn Bogdanoff’s candidacy and the statewide ripple effect
By Katy Burnett
The Florida Squeeze
The long anticipated announcement came yesterday from former Senator Ellyn Bogdanoff (R-Fort Lauderdale), who formally declared that she would challenge Senator Maria Sachs (D-Delray Beach) in a rematch of a race she lost two years ago.
Fair Districts lawsuit pulls the curtain from schemes by Florida GOP: now the decision is with the court
By Gimleteye
Eye On Miami
The Orlando Sentinel published a piece of amazingly restrained anger by Scott Maxwell, concerning the drama in a Tallahassee court room through which Fair Districts is alleging that GOP leaders and operatives are violating the Florida Constitution.