Progress Florida Education Center’s Best of the Blogs for the week ending 2-27-15
Best of the Blogs is featured weekly as part of Progress Florida Education Center’s popular free Daily Clips service.
Progress Florida Education Center’s Best of the Blogs for the week ending 2-27-15
Best of the Blogs is featured weekly as part of Progress Florida Education Center’s popular free Daily Clips service.
Big Sugar, The Big Squeeze, Estuaries and the Everglades
By Gimleteye
Eye On Miami
A picture is worth a thousand words.
2016, Florida Democrats, And The Myth Of Moderate Candidates Performing Well
By Kartik Krishnaiyer
The Florida Squeeze
Much has been made in the last three months of the need for Democrats in Florida to “engage moderate voters,” in the wake of poor electoral performances in 2014.
Jeb Bush’s Transparent Evolution on Testing and History of Contempt for Local School Boards
By Bob Sikes
Scathing Purple Musings
Education policy junkies know that when they hear the words of Patricia Levesque, she is talking for her boss, former Florida governor Jeb Bush.
Florida Legislators on the Attack for our Civil Liberties
By Michele Richardson
Blog Of Rights
We’re wrapping up two committee weeks at the Capitol that saw a lot of action around civil rights and civil liberties.
BP’s Oil and Impacts
By Lily Elkins
Gulf Restoration Network
Over 600 scientists met last week at the 2015 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference in Houston, Texas.